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XI Feira de Ovinos e XIII Mostra de de Pequenos Animais

por cbs última modificação 15/08/2018 13h49

Aconteceu nos dias 18 e 19 de novembro em Capão Bonito do Sul a tradicional Feira de Ovinos e Mostra de Pequenos Animais. Em sua décima primeira edição, e oitava da Mostra de Pequenos Animais.
O Pavilhão de Exposições e Feiras Leonel Vieira Pato foi inaugurado em 16 de novembro de 2012 e tem a capacidade de receber cerca de 450 ovinos.

A abertura da feira aconteceu no dia 19 de novembro pela manhã onde contou com a presença do Prefeito Municipal Danilo Barreto da Costa, Vice-Prefeito Felipe Rieth, Presidente do legislativo Ver. Nelson Catapan e Vereadores: Carla Janara Boff Telles, Jonei Merib, Fernando Avila de Melo, Clodomiro Rodrigues Cordeiro. Estiveram presentes o Deputado Estadual Ronaldo Sanatini, Deputado Nelsinho Metalúrgico e o Assessor do Deputado Covatti Filho. E ao meio dia foi servido Churrasco de cordeiro com música ao vivo no Clube Gaúcho Futebol Clube, e na parte da tarde remate de ovinos.

KevinVex disse:
29/08/2018 16h39
Sexual relationship is really a pleasurable give to get relationship with one?s partner. If anything fails with this give to get process, it can be enough to derail the partnership. But any thing could happen which is unpredictable. Moreover, able to keep a proper sexual relationship means keeping oneself physically healthy. So virtually any sexual disfunction needs to be helped by utmost care. One such health risk is erection dysfunction commonly within men. Unable to keep a proper and prolonged penile erection results in erectile dysfunction. This is infact a life threatening problem for maintaining a healthy sexual relationship. So when there arises a real problem it?s cognizant of treat it instead of sitting quiet.
The choice between your various available treatments involve treatment having a proper medicine. Response to a dental agent for example Levitra can be extremely effective on this context. Studies show that impotence problems is especially because of insufficient blood flow for the penis? veins and insufficient stimulation at the same time. Practising oral therapy of Levitra boosts the rate of the flow of blood that gradually stimulates the penis providing a hard erection, adequate to have an intercourse.
Levitra is certainly one such drug that is found to be extremely effective. Clinically many experts have proved who's even creates patients that are suffering from various health issues like high blood pressure, high-cholesterol or diabetes. A lot of men, who took Levitra for the first time, responded positively for gaining high rate of success. Besides, many experts have also found it can be also taken with other medicines employed to treat other medical conditions.
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ASnornorigginc disse:
07/10/2018 03h38
Pression arterielle est comment calleux votre sang pousse contre les parois de vos arteres lorsque votre coeur essence pompe le sang. Arteres sont les tubes qui transportent prendre offre sang loin de votre coeur. Chaque temps votre manque de sensibilite bat, il pompe le sang par vos arteres a la vacances de votre corps.
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